Thursday, April 21, 2022

Wiki Leaks Video

 Collateral Murder

In only 40 minutes, a patriotic pro military American can swiftly be awakened. Watching a dozen men get murdered in cold blood is the topic for this blog post. Watch the video linked below to further witness the collateral murder.  

Julian Assange is the Australian “whistleblower” who was responsible in bringing justice to the Wikileaks video of collateral murder in Iraq. 

What an incredible display of disdain and cowardry in murdering innocent men with cameras, that the particular individuals “thought” were weapons. 

It’s truly amazing how this video, that we watched in class, can be so powerful and threaten the government so much that they feel the need to torture Assange to death oversees for exposing wrongdoing. He has done absolutely nothing illegal and owes our government no loyalty, as he isn’t even from America. 

This isn’t the first whistleblower to be treated absolutely horrible for no rhyme or reason and unfortunately won’t be the last. Governments lie. 

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